> Customers_and_Suppliers / Customers / Statements / Customer statements

Customer statements

Sending your customers statements on a regular basis is a good way of keeping them informed, and it can also gently remind them that their payments are due or overdue.

Your software includes a range of layouts that can be used to generate statements straight away.

To Generate customer statements

  1. From the Customers window, choose the customers required > Statements.

  2. From the list, select the statement layout you want to use.

    Tip: If the statement is to be emailed using Sage Pay, select a layout that includes the Pay Now button. For more information about Sage Pay you can visit the Sage Pay website.

  3. From the Report Browser toolbar, select the action you want to take.
  4. Depending on the selected layout, the Criteria window may appear for you to enter your date range.

    In the From and To boxes, enter the date range required. All customer transactions falling on or within these dates are included in the Statements.

    If you want to exclude any future sales receipts and sales payments on account from your statement, select the Excl. Later Payments check box. This gives you the flexibility to run retrospective statements - that is to include or exclude invoices, depending on the payment date.

  5. To generate the statement, click OK.

View available statement options.Open this section

11" or A4

11" statement layouts are designed for use with dot matrix printers.

A4 statement layouts are designed for use with laser printers.

Individual or Grouped

If you select a statement including the Individual option, each transaction appears on a separate line in your statement.

If you select a statement including the Grouped option, transactions which were entered as a group, appear as a group transaction on a single line.

For example, you could group Sales Invoices (SI), Sales Receipts (SR), Payments on Account (SA), Credit Notes (SC) and Discounts (SD).

2 Part or Tear Off

Two Part statement layouts print your statement on the top sheet and your remittance on the carbon sheet below.

Tear off statement layouts print your statement and remittance side by side on a sheet.

O/S Only or All

Choose a statement layout including the O/S Only option to show only outstanding transactions on your statements.

Choose a layout including the All option to show all transactions on your statements.

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